Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 3 - Day 1

I ate leftover pizza and wings for breakfast yesterday morning and that was a very bad idea. But we will get to that in a minute.

That Sprout and j^C were not yet back from SC so I was able to get to the gym early and put in about 20 minutes of cardio. That's the most I've done since last week, and I've noticed that I don't feel like I am improving on my time, but I can go faster than I used to for longer and I can recover quicker. Maybe I'm just not pushing myself. I think I'm just tired all the time and still recovering from the plague. I hope the cardio starts to improve soon.

As for the weights, I went up in everything this week. We were doing legs and I lifted to failure on several of the exercises. I wanted to cry once, but I did not. (Note: I can handle this kind of failure.) Mostly, I wanted to throw up because pizza and wings are a lousy breakfast. I tried to throw up after my workout, but I just gagged a little and felt sort of better. Then I had a protein shake which also kind of helped.

I don't remember a lot about Monday. I cleaned the house and felt sort of like eating ALL THE THINGS, but it wasn't as bad as Sunday. I didn't get as much cleaning done as I wanted to, but what are you going to do, right?

I had chicken soup and crackers for dinner.

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