Monday, February 11, 2013

Return of the Mack

I have been making good choices, and I am currently weighing in at under 230. Exciting, I know.

What sorts of good choices are we talking here?  

Well, let me tell you, I am really a believer in overnight steel cut oats and coconut oil right now. A big bowl of oats with Chobani and pineapple mixed with a little coconut oil has the power to keep me full for hours. And I don't know if it's stabilizing my blood sugar or what, but I find that I'm not craving ALL THE THINGS. It's nice, feeling like you're in control. I hope the feeling sticks around.

I've also been walking 3+ miles every morning most days M-F since the new year. I've kind of fallen off the bandwagon the last few weeks, but I'm really excited to begin this week with a renewed sense of commitment. 

Oh yeah, and then there's Couch to 5K . . . 

It has been a goal of mine to run a 5K since time immemorial. This year, it's going to happen. I had hoped to run the first one on April 6 in my home town, but That Sprout was sick and then I was, so that totally threw me off my training schedule. I'll tell you this though: It's gonna happen. Ideally, I will be ready by April 27 for the Fraser Counseling  Center 5K in Hinesville. Running to support mental health programming in the Army? Where do I sign up! 

So yes, those are the brief updates. I'm back, I'm committed, and I really hope to see some serious progress between now and Thanksgiving. I'll be here M-W-F to tell you all about the journey, so stay tuned for recipes, exercise tips, and true confessions of a couch potato in reform.

What's new and interesting with your fitness journey?
Do you know what today's post title is from? 
Let me know in the comments!