Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I did a 16:45 mile today.
I did really well on my eating.
Then I went out to dinner and ate to the point of being uncomfortable.

I am feeling very discouraged. I hope that I will have not gained anything in the morning, but I am doubtful.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Breakfast: 2 eggs on whole wheat (240 cal)
Snack: 1/2 Protein Bar (90 cal)
Lunch: Chocolate Milk & Apple ( 300 +  80 cal)
Snack: V8 Splash (70 cal) Smore Cereal (120 cal) Ice Cream (80 cal)
Dinner: Panang Curry (500 cal)
Total: 1480
(But then I had a bowl of cereal for dessert . . . so?)

My blood sugar tested at 68 this morning when I got up. I don't know how accurate it was though since the blood was not from my finger, but from a nosebleed. I have got to stop having those. Damn dry air . . .

On the bright side, I slept through the night for what I believe was close to 6 hours. I went to the doctor last night and he said to try a magnesium supplement. Hopefully, it will continue to work. I should add in some chromium to the regimen if all goes well. I'm getting pretty good at remembering to take pills. I deserve a medal or something.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Weekend in SC

I spent the weekend in South Carolina. I ate poorly. I gained 6 pounds. Damn it all. :-(

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Back on the Bandwagon, Again

I woke up this morning and decided to test my fasting blood sugar. I did not like what I found: 112. This definitely in the range for pre-diabetes, which I already knew, but I thought that my working out would have made some sort of change for that. Nope. I have got to be better about what I eat.

So, I'm back to recording everything on here. I am really terrible about being consistent with my blogging, but I've made it almost 30 days over at First Person Narrative, so I can do it. I just have to feel like I want to.

Protein Shake. Water. Blogger.

Another thing that I have go to start doing is my cardio. I always think I'm going to do it when I leave the gym and then I never do. That Sprout really puts a crimp in my style, I must say. But I think that's just an excuse. I could have been getting up at the ass crack of dawn to do my cardio for more than 6 months and I just wasn't doing it. As much as I would love to get the cardio over and done with in the AM, I find that 4-6 PM is the sweet spot for me lately. I just have to get my ass over to the gym at that time EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Back to my thoughts on That Sprout: She pitches a fit every time I want to leave the house with her. School is starting next week though, so hopefully I can keep her occupied between 1 and 4 so that it will be a smooth transition to the gym I think we're going to be spending a lot of time at the mall, at parks, and at other indoor play areas. I might start taking her to the other gym I'm a member of too. We'll see. 

Related and yet unrelated to this fitness topic: I was thinking about Amy Schumer's Glamour speech wherein she said "I’m probably like 160 pounds right now and I can catch a dick whenever I want, like, that’s the truth. It’s not a problem!I can relate. I guess I am feeling very body positive or something, but I'll tell you what, if I were not married, I would have no problem finding a very attractive man who wanted to have sex with me. 

I was thinking of sending this in to The Tummy Project. I'm hot, yo.

Lately, men from my past have been coming out of the woodwork offering me amorous overtures. Not to mention, if I take the time to look like a productive member of society before I go about my day I can pretty much count on being hit on. And my husband still thinks I'm hot. Long story short: I've been feeling really good about the way I look lately. It's my health that concerns me.

That's about all I have for this morning. Will update throughout the day with foods.

Breakfast: Protein, milk, wheatgrass, chia, fiber, and cocoa powder
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Lamb Curry
 Snack: Protein Bar
Dinner: Lamb Curry

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Week 3 - Day 3

The gym went well yesterday, although I am still not getting in as much cardio as perhaps I should. My legs were killing me from Monday, so I'm not going to worry too much about it. It feels like most of October has been incredibly stressful and I am looking forward to my program changing next week as well as something of a reprieve between then and Thanksgiving.

We did arms and I felt so weak, but I worked to failure and I went up on weight in everything except the preacher curl which is the bane of my existence. I guess muscle failure is the only kind of failure that I can cope with.

Food was awful yesterday. I noticed that I'm not as hungry as I think I am. I have become so used to packing away food that I think I'm overstuffing myself. I had a protein shake for breakfast, which was a good choice, but then it was downhill from there. We did Cici's for lunch (4 slices and 2 of dessert pizza, plus root beer) and Panda Express for dinner. I realized at Panda Express that 2 entrees and a side is way too much food. I need to do the bowl from now on, but I like to try new things, so that's why I want 2. My curiosity is what gets the better of me. Still, one entree and one side is more than enough, I now know. I threw some of my dinner in the trash because I was so full.

On the bright side, there was no snacking yesterday. I did think about making myself throw up after dinner, but I didn't do it. I also had a cupcake . . . Ugh.

I am so tired of hating myself. I liked it a lot better when I was taking a pill that made me not care about food. But I also think that not taking pills is a better choice in the long run.

I wish I had written about it yesterday - I was having some kind of thought about skinny people. Maybe jealousy that some people can seem to eat whatever they want with minimal consequences and here I am. I know there are skinny people who live off garbage all day every day. And they don't exercise. I know it catches up with them, but it's still annoying.

I will be so happy when I get a crock pot and no longer have any excuse for eating out all the time. At least by Saturday morning my kitchen will be clean. So there's that.

I feel like I'm being really whiny. It's no one else's fault that I have no self control. :-( I have no one to blame but myself. I guess I can feel good about the fact that I am getting stronger, even if I'm not getting skinnier.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 3 - Day 2

Yesterday was That Sprout's birthday, so I forewent the gym in order to buy supplies for her party. I didn't want to take her to the store with me, you know? I had hoped to get to the gym in the afternoon, but since j^C was only going to get to come home for a little while to have dinner with us, I decided I had better be at home when he got off. We spent a lot of time outside playing which was nice because it tired her out. The weather was perfect. If everyday was like yesterday, I would go outside more.

Not that it began that way. On the way to pick up the cupcakes for That Sprout's school it was pouring. I could hardly see the road. I'm so glad that it cleared up.

I had an orange cranberry bagel for breakfast, a #1 from McDonald's for lunch, and a 2 entree plate (Black Pepper Chicken and Teriyaki Chicken with brown rice and mixed veggies) for dinner. And a cupcake. And a Coke Zero. And a Diet Dr. Pepper. I wanted to throw up the McDonald's. I should have had a salad. Or not eaten the fries. Ugh. I was also super dehydrated by the end of the day. I have got to start making better decisions. I wouldn't call yesterday a binge, but it was a certainly a day full of bad choices.

But you know what? It was fun and I think That Sprout had a really great day. So there's that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 3 - Day 1

I ate leftover pizza and wings for breakfast yesterday morning and that was a very bad idea. But we will get to that in a minute.

That Sprout and j^C were not yet back from SC so I was able to get to the gym early and put in about 20 minutes of cardio. That's the most I've done since last week, and I've noticed that I don't feel like I am improving on my time, but I can go faster than I used to for longer and I can recover quicker. Maybe I'm just not pushing myself. I think I'm just tired all the time and still recovering from the plague. I hope the cardio starts to improve soon.

As for the weights, I went up in everything this week. We were doing legs and I lifted to failure on several of the exercises. I wanted to cry once, but I did not. (Note: I can handle this kind of failure.) Mostly, I wanted to throw up because pizza and wings are a lousy breakfast. I tried to throw up after my workout, but I just gagged a little and felt sort of better. Then I had a protein shake which also kind of helped.

I don't remember a lot about Monday. I cleaned the house and felt sort of like eating ALL THE THINGS, but it wasn't as bad as Sunday. I didn't get as much cleaning done as I wanted to, but what are you going to do, right?

I had chicken soup and crackers for dinner.